Hi there, I'm Masa!

Ready to discover the wonders of Tokyo and Kanagawa with a local guide?

I'm a born and raised Japanese, and I'm proud to be a certified government tour guide. Taking people on delightful walks and engaging in friendly conversations is what I love. As your knowledgeable local Japanese guide, I'm here to make your exploration truly memorable. You can find me on the following websites, or simply drop me a message using the form below. Looking forward to exploring with you!

Let's craft the perfect walking tour, just for you! Feel free to share any ideas or preferences you have in mind. I’m here to make your tour super awesome and tailored to your style! 

The Hidden Kamakura Walk

Peaceful, fun, and informative 


Kamakura History Walk

Highlights of the town



Refer to more than 300 guest reviews.

Please feel free to ask Masa. 

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