
Kamakura City---Zen Buddhism, Great Buddha, and Samurai's Shrine

The city of Kamakura is 1hour from Tokyo by train. Kamakura was the Japanese capital during the 12th-14th century. The first Shogunate government of Samurai clan was placed there. You can find many historical monuments in Kamakura.

I had a Kamakura one-day tour with a nice couple from India.

First, we visited the Engakuji Temple. The temple was established in the 13th century. It is one of the biggest headquarters of Zen Buddhism sects. Zen is based on the meditation, Zen temple is simple, calm, and peaceful. It is another Buddhism world different from busy Asakusa.

Next, we went to the Great Buddha statue in the Kotoku-in temple.  The Great Buddha made of copper was built in the 13th century. The height is 11.3m and weight is 121ton. It is the most impressive and popular historical site in Kamakura.

Finally, we visited the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. The Hachiman is a Japanese Shinto religion shrine worshipped by a Samurai clan called Genji.

We talked a lot about Buddhism, India, and Japan. We had a Tempra and an eggplant dish lunch at a Japanese restaurant. We walked the shopping street in the downtown Kamakura which is called as the Komachi street.

We enjoyed very much in Kamakura.

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