
Ramen and Local event in Shibuya

I explored Harajuku, Shibuya, and Asakusa with nice guests from Australia. We met at their hotel in Shinjuku in the morning.

First, we hung around Harajuku and ate a crepe. Harajuku is a fashionable district in Tokyo. 

Then, we walked to Shibuya. In the Yoyogi park, the "Furusato Shibuya Festival" was held on the day. The event was not for religion but for the local community. Many local residents in Shibuya ward came to the park. There were many food stalls and stores. Some of the local organizations were operating exhibitions and enlightenment, which includes Japanese traditional games, craft works, health, tax, and voting. Those are not for tourists, but it is a good opportunity to understand Japanese common people and their usual life. It was very interesting for our guests.  

Next, we had lunch at a Ramen restaurants. Ramen is a kind of noodles, which originally came from China and developed in Japan. Ramen is very popular among Japanese and tourists. We ate "tonkotsu ramen" (noodle with pork soup) in the famous ramen restaurants "Ichi-ran".

The scramble crossing of Shibuya is so exciting. It is said that more than 3000 people cross the intersection in one signal period. Our guests took pictures and video at the crossing. Many tourists do so! And, there is a famous dog "Hachi-ko" statue in front of the Shibuya station.

Finally, we went to Asakusa by subway. We visited the traditional Senso-Ji temple. It is the biggest and the oldest temple in Japan. One of my guests tried "Omikuji" (a fortune slip)  and she got "the best luck". Then, we visited the main building of the temple in Japanese traditional way and prayed to the Buddha.

We enjoyed one-day Tokyo explore very much.

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  • #1

    Choity Jones (Tuesday, 14 November 2017 08:36)

    We had such a great first day in Tokyo. Thanks again Masa-san!