
Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum

Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum or "NIHON MINKAEN" is a very unique and interesting place. You experience as if you are walking in the 17th-century countryside of Japan.

There are 23 old Japanese folk houses. Those are really old houses built in the 17th - 19th century. They moved houses from many regions in Japan and re-built in the museum. You can not only observe from the outside but also walk in the building. You will understand the detail of the old construction and Old lifestyle. Many of them are farmers houses and they display a lot of tools for agriculture. They also offer the live demonstration of how to make bamboo baskets and so on.

Though you can observe old temples, shrines, and castles in many places, this is the unique place where you can observe old Japanese commoner's residences. The museum is located in Kawasaki city. It takes about 30 minutes from Shinjuku by Odakyu railway and 15 minutes walk from the station. 

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