Walking Tour · 26. August 2018
A happy couple from Italy explored in Tokyo. First of all, we visited the Meiji-Jingu shrine in Harajuku. Do you know ”Ema”? It's a small wood plate. We write down our wish on it and devote it in the shrine. The Italian couple wished their families happiness. It's great!

Walking Tour · 07. July 2018
I have explored Tokyo with a nice Mexican family. In the morning, we met in the hotel lobby. Beautiful sunflowers were displayed there. Summer has come to Tokyo. First, we walked in the Imperial Palace outer garden and east garden. The Imperial Palace is the former Edo castle built by Shogun samurai warriors 400years ago.

Walking Tour · 30. June 2018
I have explored Tokyo with a nice family from Singapore. They are the dad, mum, and two daughters. We met at a hotel in Roppongi. In Tokyo, the rainy season has been ended. It was a nice sunny day.

Walking Tour · 12. May 2018
A friendly couple came to Tokyo from Canada. We explored Imperial Palace, Asakusa Sensoji Temple, Meiji Jingu Shrine and Shibuya.

Walking Tour · 04. May 2018
I had a Tokyo tour with two young guests from Israel. First, we went to the Senso-Ji temple in Asakusa. It is the oldest temple in Tokyo. We visited the main building where the Buddhism statue is worshipped. We took the procedure of washing hands and lips with sacred water before going to the main building same as local people do. After visiting the temple, we took a walk around Asakusa town. We ate a Taiyaki which is fish shape baked sweets, bean paste is in it.

Walking Tour · 14. April 2018
I had a Tokyo tour with nice people from Florida, USA.

Walking Tour · 21. March 2018
I explored Tokyo with a gentleman from the United Kingdom. Though it was a rainy and snowy day, our tour was very active.

Walking Tour · 17. March 2018
I explored Tokyo with a nice guy came from Australia. It was a fine day. First, we met in the hotel lobby where the guest was staying. Then we moved to the imperial palace by the Tokyo Metro line G and line C.

Walking Tour · 04. March 2018
I had a Tokyo tour with a nice Chinese American guy and his parents. First, we went to Harajuku Takeshita street. The daddy told he feel the young energy there. Yes, Harajuku is very popular among young people.

Walking Tour · 24. February 2018
A nice family from Chicago, USA explored Tokyo. First, we visited Hanegi Park in Umegaoka. Umegaoka is a typical neighborhood in Tokyo. It's not busy like Shibuya and Shinjuku. It's a very peaceful neighborhood. Plums were full of its blossoms. We also enjoyed the local drum performance. Next, we walked from Shibuya to Harajuku. We went to the Hachiko dog statue, the Scramble crossing, a sports store, Yoyogi park and Omotesando Avenue. It's very busy and exciting! Next day, the dad ran in Tokyo...

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